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Korean Drama

Korean culture is not only kpop, Korean group in 

bts boy band, trip to South Korea, or the Korean War! It’s not just football in 2002 with Korean football players, notably the famous Park Ji Sung! These 2 Koreas have marked the history between North Koreans and South Koreans, well identified now on the DMZ demilitarized zone but also South Korean dramas . 

Your Korean Dramas?

Do you watch Asian films a lot? Are you more of a South Korean movie 

lover ? Japanese movies? Or 

rather Korean television series 

_ _ _are you? Since 2007-2010, Korean dramas have experienced a meteoric rise. Indeed, Korean dramas are not only known in the Korean peninsula but have become a trend all over the world. They attract the attention of the new generation but also of the generation of our parents. President Moon is proud of Korean society, just like drama lovers, you will be able to visit many filming locations that have become must-see places in South Korea. So let’s enter the world of Korean dramas from Asia together.


Itaewon class (이태원클라쓰)

The Itaewon class core drama was released to the general public on January 31, 2020. It is part of the wave of Morning Calm Land films. It is a 16-episode drama that first appeared on Korean TV and then became available on Netflix. Since its release, it has made a triumph in the world of dramas and it has become one of the most watched dramas with an audience of 16.548% for the last episode, in South Korea. It is therefore one of the top 10 dramas with positive ratings in the history of Korean television. 

itaewon class
itaewon class

The little story: 

The main character Park Sae Ro Yi (박 새로이 ) Park Seo Joon (박서준) plays this role and gets caught up in a story of revenge. Indeed, this one when he was a student in high school, confronted the son of the CEO of a large restaurant company in which the father of Park Sae Ro Yi worked. After a serious accident that cost the life of his father, park Sae Ro Yi decided to take revenge on his comrade as well as his father. Subsequently, after spending some time in prison, Park Sae Ro Yi decides to open a restaurant called Danbam (단밤) in which he will be helped by his friends. All will help him in his quest.

Where can we go ?

If you want to go to the filming location, all you have to do is go to itaewon (이태원/ subway line 6). This district is very well known since it brings together a large number of foreigners and therefore many foreign restaurants.

The first place you can go is the G guesthouse which is next to the Soap club . In the series, the guesthouse appears in episode 3 and is also the place where Jang Geun Soo (장근수) lives.    

Address:  14-38 Bogwang-ro 60 gil, itaewon 1(il)-dong, yongsan-gu, seoul 

                 14-38 보광로 60길, 이태원 1동, 용산구, 서울특별시 

actor jang geun soo
g guesthouse
itaewon class
g guesthouse
itaewon class

The second must-see place is Danbam pub ( 단밤포차), it is located in Noksapyeong (녹사평) a few minutes walk from Itaewon. it’s a pub in which you can eat delicious dishes accompanied by a few drinks (beware of alcohol abuse). This pub was built by Park Sae Ro Yi in the series. And it has become the must-visit place.

Address:  Seoul, yongsan-gu Noksapyeong-daelo 40gil 57, dandoksangka 

                서울특별시 용산구 녹사평대로 40길 57 1층 단독상가 


You can also go to the Banpo Bridge (반포) which makes its appearance in episode 4. At this time, Yi-seo throws a coin into the Han River (한강) from this bridge. The Banpo Bridge connects the districts of Seocho (서처) and Yongsan (용산) and in summer it is very pleasant to walk there or to have picnics there by the Han River.       

Address:  Banpo 2(i)-dong, Seoul 

               반포 2동, 서울특별시 


If you prefer to take your time on the edge of the terrace or on the roofs of Seoul, I advise you to go to the restaurant The Finest (더 파이니스트). Which you can also see in episode 4 and in which Park Sae Ro Yi and Yi Seo share a drink. It is a refined and subtle restaurant with a sumptuous view of Seoul and the Namsan Tower. Ideal for summer evenings.   

Address:  41 Hoenamu-ro, itaewon 2(i)-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

               41 허나무로, 이태원 2동, 용산구, 서울특별시 

itaewon class
the finest
the finest

The king: eternal monarch 

The drama The king was released very recently, since it was broadcast on the SBS channel between April 17 and June 12, 2020. It is composed of 16 episodes of approximately 1 hour and you can also find it on Netflix. The main actors are the well-known Lee Min Ho, as well as Kim Go Eun, Woo Do Hwan and Kim Yong Ji. It is a fantastic drama in which this mixes two different eras: the Kingdom of Korea and the Republic of Korea, two parallel worlds, which are connected by temporary bridges. When you start the drama you quickly feel lost and you don’t understand everything but hold on tight because you will eventually understand everything.  

the king
the king
lee min ho
kim go-eun
kim yong-ji
woo do hwan

The little story:

In the kingdom of Korea, the young Lee Gon faces a dramatic childhood, during which we will try to attempt his life. He will become king very young and will therefore have to take on great responsibilities very quickly. One day, he will find himself in the Republic of Korea, a world that is unknown to him. There he will meet Jeong Tae Eul, a young policewoman, but who has not unknown to him, since it seems that their paths  have already crossed before. It is from this meeting, that will mingle investigation, romantic, love, drama…. 

Where can we go ?

The drama was filmed in several locations not only in Seoul (서울) but also in Daegu (대구) as well as Busan (부산). So to your backpacks!!!!

If you are in Seoul , you can go to the large Gwanghwamun Square (광화문), a place full of history. Indeed, in this square, you can find the statue of King Sejong (세중대왕) placed in the center; the statue of Admiral Yi Sun Shin (이순신) opposite, who played a big role in Korean history; as well as the Gyeongbokgung Palace (경복궁) which is in the background and which is the most famous palace in South Korea, since it was the residence of the king. You will therefore be able to see this place in the very first episodes of the drama.          

Address:  161 Sajik-ro, sejongno, jongno-gu, seoul

                 서울특별시 종로구 사직로 161

the king

king sejong
yi sun shin

The next place is the Gyesan Catholic Church (계산성당) which is located in Daegu and is an important church since it was built by French Catholic missionaries in the 19th century. It is therefore a place of prayer but also a historical place. In the drama, Lee Gon and Jeong Tae Eul take photos of themselves in front of this church. These churches have replaced the original Korean temples with Buddhists who pray day and night in Korea.   

Address:  10 Seoseong-ro Seongnae 2(i)-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu 

                 41933 대구광역시 중구 서성로 10 (계산동 2가)

daegu church
the king
daegu church
daegu church

For those who prefer Busan to Seoul and who happen to be die-hard drama fans, I recommend heading to Ahopsan Forest (아홉산숲) in Gijang (기장군), Busan. This forest has been owned by a wealthy Korean family for about 400 years and is open to visitors. It is a bamboo forest with over 100 years of history. This forest appears in the first episode, when Lee Gon goes through the gates to arrive in the other world. 

Address:   Busan, Gijang-gun, Cheolma-myeon, Mideong-gil 37-1

                 부산광역시 기장군 철마면 웅천리 480 번지 

busan forest
the king
the king

I have shown you filming locations for two dramas but of course there are so many more! These dramas are much more recent, since they were released in 2020. In any case, I can tell you that the year 2021 begins with very good dramas and many places to explore in Korean society.

Find love story films with an exceptional scriptwriter or vampires, northern neighbours, actions, heroes …

These actors must strive to hold discussions while fully immersing themselves in their role.

What will change you from the American series and contemplate the creation and the South Korean brand with series in the cities or in the mountains. These dramas have contributed to the Korean economy with kpop and the development of large companies like Samsung or LG, which is a source of pride for the South Korean government.

 And you, which drama do you prefer?

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