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Who is Majin Vegeta?

One of the fan-favorite characters in the iconic Dragon Ball saga is the formidable Vegeta, created by the great Akira Toriyama. The prince of the Saiyan race, Vegeta was originally portrayed as a ruthless conqueror, destroying and invading entire planets on behalf of the interstellar tyrant Freeza. πŸ’₯

Vegeta went through several stages of development during the series. After being defeated by the Z-Warriors and his greatest rival Goku, he eventually settled on Earth while training to surpass Goku and attempt to become the most powerful Saiyan. This rivalry led him to embrace his own dark power years later, transforming into the evil Majin Vegeta.

So who is this mysterious character? Why is Majin Vegeta so interesting to fans? Find out without further delay young saiyan! πŸ‘Š


100 years after his arrival on planet earth, the Saiyans Prince’s habits had calmed down a bit and the warrior had settled down and sided with the earthlings. He even started a family with a character that existed since the original saga of the Dragon Ball series, Bulma, with whom he had two children, including a young son named Trunks. He still continued to train every day to become stronger. 🀜

Having developed feelings for all these new things and new people, Vegeta was suddenly overcome by a feeling of blockage. Especially after Sangoku’s death in his fight against Cell and depriving him of the possibility to recover his honor by beating him in a rematch. This will change when Goku returns to Earth for a single day and the reunited rivals learn that an evil sorcerer named Babidi was planning to unleash the monstrous Majin Boo, in the DBZ series. πŸ“Ί

Vegeta observed that Babidi’s servants were placed under his control through powerful black magic. Against their servitude, Babidi used his magician skills to greatly increase his combat power, which will for example allow a weaker character such as Spopovich to transform him into an ultra-strong warrior who has developed crazy abilities such as the ability to survive wounds that would have normally inflicted death. πŸ’€

And so, after realizing that Goku had once again surpassed his own strength by training in the world beyond, Vegeta decided to allow Babidi to impetuously enter his mind and take full control of it, thus triggering the long awaited Majin transformation!


Majin Vegeta is the form of Vegeta when he became a follower of Babidi. He gains a significant increase in power through his influence. He has the same appearance while having the Majin seal on his forehead, dark black lines around his eyes and an increase in his muscle mass, which swells to the point where veins appear all over his body and face due to the‘intensity of his power level. Vegeta’s true dark nature is awakened, and he has become extremely more powerful than he was before. πŸ”₯Majin Vegeta is the form of Vegeta when he became a follower of Babidi. He gains a significant increase in power through his influence. He has the same appearance while having the Majin seal on his forehead, dark black lines around his eyes and an increase in his muscle mass, which swells to the point where veins appear all over his body and face due to the**’intensity of his power level**. Vegeta’s true dark nature is awakened, and he has become extremely more powerful than he was before. πŸ”₯

Majin Vegeta usually fights at Super Saiyan 2 level and his power is equal to Goku‘s at his Super Saiyan 2 level, and later to himself when he fights Super Boo with absorbed Gohan and Kid Boo. After Vegeta was killed by his final devastating explosion as a last resort to destroy Majin Buu, this form is never seen again in the manga or anime. πŸ“š

If Majin Vegeta’s powers are on par with those of the SSJ2 form, then it means that a Majin transformation doubles the attributes of a Saiyan. Vegeta also seems fully capable of harnessing every bit of his power, as if he knew his limits all along without any training.


The M on Vegeta’s forehead stands for Majin. It is a seal put by Babidi to indicate that he controls Vegeta in a certain way. It was placed through black magic. He knew that he was powerful enough to resist mind control. But the saddest part of it all is that he gave in because he wanted the power that the seal would give him to take revenge for his former defeat by Goku. ⚠️


If you have followed our explanations well, Vegeta has the vocation to become Majin of his own free will because Goku is more powerful than him at the moment. He felt that he had become incompetent, and after having a child with Bulma, he became attached to them and to the earth. He felt that these sentimental attachments were holding him back and all he wanted to do was to defeat Goku in battle.

So he let himself be possessed by Babidi’s magic. This unlocked the evil in Vegeta’s heart. As a result, he was able to kill innocent people and fight without remorse, forcing Son Goku to fight him again. However, after the epic confrontation between the two Saiyans, Vegeta realized that he could not allow Majin Boo to destroy the Earth. After all, his love for Trunks and Bulma ended up trumping everything else! 😍

In the DBZ saga, tired of seeing his father being tortured by Majin Boo, Trunks rushes to help his father, with the help of Goten, despite Piccolo’s attempts to stop them. Trunks pushes Majin Boo away, and he and Goten free Vegeta from the bonds of the evil opponent.

Vegeta wakes up and is obviously angry about being beaten by Majin Buu. Babidi will also mock Vegeta at this moment, calling him “weak” and telling him that he won’t die for long. Piccolo suddenly appears behind him and says that it will be Babidi who dies today before cutting him in half, despite Babidi’s best attempts to defend himself. 🌠

For the sake of his family and friends, Vegeta then decides to commit suicide by using the final explosion to kill Majin Boo. He tells Trunks to take care of his mother, and orders him and Goten to leave now. Trunks and Goten try to convince him to let them help him, but Vegeta tells them that Majin Buu is too powerful for them. The boys insist on letting them help him fight the creature. In a moment of silence, Vegeta tells Trunks that he has never held him since he was a baby and, for the first time in his life, hugs Trunks. Trunks is surprised and embarrassed, while Goten watches the scene so beloved by fans of the series. Vegeta tells Trunks that he made him proud, before knocking out the two friends. πŸ”¨

When Piccolo arrives, Vegeta asks him to take the boys to safety, then asks him if he will meet Goku in the underworld when he dies. Piccolo tells him that won’t happen. The selfless Goku has spent his life helping people in need and protecting the lives of others, so he gets to keep his body as a reward when he passes on to the afterlife. Vegeta, on the other hand, has spent his entire life caring for no one but himself, killing countless innocents and causing much destruction. πŸ’₯

When he dies, he will instead be sent directly to hell, where his soul will be purified of evil before being reincarnated. Unperturbed by this, Vegeta calmly accepts his fate. As Piccolo flies off with Goten and Trunks, Vegeta declares that he will destroy Boo so intensely that it will be impossible for him to regenerate. 🧬

Vegeta then says goodbye to Bulma, Trunks and Goku before releasing all of his power and disappearing in a bright flash of light. Buu can do nothing but scream in terror as he is obliterated by the blast. πŸ’£


They are simply equals. If you watched the incredible fight between them, you would know that it makes sense! Without the increase of his power through the Majin seal, Son Goku was stronger, a fact that even Vegeta acknowledged. But Goku wasn’t giving his full power against Vegeta because he wasn’t using his Super Saiyan 3 form, so he was holding back. πŸ‘€

So in theory, Goku SSJ3 could compete very easily against Majin Vegeta, but as we see him fighting Fat Boo and Kid Boo, he doesn’t fight to win right away, so the fight will drag on until he runs out of steam. The Saiyans only go all out if they absolutely have to because they like to be challenged, so they try to hold back. πŸ¦ΈπŸΌβ™‚οΈ


We learn of the existence of the Majin form and of Majin Vegeta more specifically during the Dragon Ball Z anime series. The form will later reappear in the video game Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai – Another Road, when Babidi of the Future once again uses his magic to try to brainwash Vegeta. However, unlike last time, this time it was done completely against Vegeta’s will. 🧠

Fan of Majin Vegeta? Then this Majin seal t-shirt will be perfect for you!

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