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Japanese Katana

Traditional Japanese Katana vs. Modern Japanese Katana: What’s the Difference?

With its curved, single-edged blade, the Japanese katana is one of the most recognizable swords in the world. It is prized for its superior quality and attention to detail. And while the katana first appeared during the feudal period of Japan, there are also newer and more modern katanas. So how do these modern katanas compare to the centuries-old katanas forged during Japan’s feudal period?

The traditional katanas

The traditional katana first appeared during the Kamakura period – an era characterized by powerful warlord families ruling Japan. Some people think the traditional katana was an entirely new sword, but that’s not necessarily true. It is actually a variation of the tachi, which also featured a curved single-edged blade. The katana, however, differed in several respects. First, it was longer than the tachi, making it a more formidable weapon.

Second, the traditional katana was forged with a different type of steel. Around the same time the katana was invented, Japanese blademishts discovered that using high carbon steel, known as tamahagane steel, made for stronger swords. So they started using tamahagane steel to produce traditional katanas.

modern katanas

The katana – like all traditional Japanese swords – went into decline during the Meiju period. With the disbanding of the samurai class, the general populace was banned from carrying swords. There have been a few exceptions to this rule. Ancient samurai lords, known as daiymo, for example, were still allowed to carry swords like the katana. The Japanese army and police were also allowed to carry swords. For everyone else, however, the carrying of the katana was prohibited and gave rise to legal proceedings.

However, during the 20th century, the Japanese government began to mass-produce katanas in preparation for World War II. At the time, the government required all army officers to carry a sword. A special type of modern katana, known as a gunto, was generally used for this purpose. However, compared to the traditional katana, the gunto was inferior in quality. Japan was then experiencing a shortage of supplies and materials, so gunsmiths could not use Tamahagane steel to forge swords for military officers. Instead, they used different types of lesser quality steel, resulting in poor quality katanas.

Today, in Japan and elsewhere, artisans continue to make katanas. Some even use the same tamahagane steel that was once used to make these swords centuries ago. But there are also many cheap and poor quality katanas that you should be aware of. If you really want to collect swords, choose a high-quality katana that reflects the values ​​of traditional Japanese swordsmiths.


Throughout its centuries-old history, Japan has pioneered some of the finest swords in the world. However, it took until the Kamakura period (1185 to 1333) for the katana to emerge in the region. Featuring a curved single-edged blade measuring approximately 60-73cm, it was the favorite saber of samurai warriors in feudal Japan. There were, however, dozens of other swords at that time. So why did the majority of samurai warriors in feudal Japan prefer the katana?

Curved blade allows for faster shooting

One of the reasons so many samurai warriors used the katana is because of the curved blade of the sword. With its moderately curved blade, samurai warriors could draw their katana and use it to attack an opponent in one fluid motion. This was significant as warfare in feudal Japan shifted from open combat to close combat. By using the katana, samurai warriors had a competitive advantage over their opponents by being able to draw their swords quickly.

Worn with a sharp edge

Looking at pictures of traditional Japanese samurai wielding a katana, you’ll likely find that most, if not all, samurai warriors carried this sword with the cutting edge facing up. This is in stark contrast to almost all other broadswords, which are traditionally worn with the cutting edge facing down. Carrying the katana with the cutting edge facing upwards further improved draw time, allowing samurai to quickly draw the sword.

A stronger blade

It should also be mentioned that the blade of the katana was exceptionally stronger than the blades of other swords. Japanese blade makers discovered that using high carbon steel, known as tamahagane steel, resulted in a stronger blade. It didn’t take long for almost all katanas to be forged with tamahagane steel. As a result, this traditional Japanese sword was able to withstand more force and pressure without sustaining damage.

Razor sharp edge

Finally, the katana had a razor sharp edge which was essential in enabling samurai warriors to face their opponents on the battlefield. After forging a new katana, the smith would pass the newly created sword to another person whose sole task was to sharpen it. It was a long and tedious process that involved rubbing river stones on the edge of the blade. In some cases, it took weeks or even months to fully sharpen and polish a katana. The end result, however, was a razor-sharp sword that could easily cut through tough leather armor.


The katana is known the world over as a superior sword with an unmatched level of strength and versatility. Originally from feudal Japan, it has been around for centuries. And during that time it only grew in popularity, although countless other swords came into existence. So why is the katana still considered the best sword in history?

1) The right length

Swords have been designed in different sizes over the years. Some have blades just 1-2 inches long, while others have blades over 50 inches long. The katana, however, featured perfect blade length. With an average length of 60 to 73 cm, it was neither too long nor too short. The moderate length of the katana allowed samurai warriors to wield it easily and use it in various scenarios.

2) He was carried at arm’s length

A key difference between the katana and other traditional Japanese swords is how they are carried. The katana is unique because it was the only Japanese sword carried with the cutting edge up. Samurai warriors found that carrying the katana with the edge up made it easier to draw and draw the sword.

3) Production was a methodical process

Producing a traditional Japanese katana was a methodical and difficult process. While some inexpensive, mass-produced swords today roll out of the factory in just hours, a traditional Japanese katana took months to create. In fact, one report found that it took an average of six months to forge a single katana. Considering that tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, have been produced throughout Japan’s history, that’s a pretty staggering number.

4) Differential heat treatment

Another reason why the traditional Japanese katana is considered the best sword in the world is that it was forged by differential heat treatment. This treatment involves heating and cooling the spine and cutting edge of the katana at different speeds, creating a stronger cutting edge and a more flexible spine.

5) The right composition

Finally, the traditional Japanese katana had the perfect composition of metals. In early Japanese craftsmanship, swords and edged weapons were made with basic low carbon steel. However, swordsmen have found that adding carbon to their swords results in a stronger blade. This led to the development of tamahagane steel – a high carbon steel that was used to make traditional Japanese swords like the katana.


The katana is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable swords in the world. Featuring a curved, single-edged blade, it has become synonymous with quality craftsmanship. However, there is a lot of misinformation on the subject of the katana. In this post, we will debunk some of the most common myths about the Japanese katana.

1) There is no difference between a tachi and a katana

The terms “tachi” and “katana” are often used interchangeably when referring to traditional Japanese swords with a curved, single-edged blade. Although they both exhibit these blade characteristics, there are, however, a few key nuances that set them apart from each other. The katana, for example, was carried with the cutting edge facing up, while the tachi was carried with the cutting edge facing down. The tachi was also longer and featured a more pronounced blade curvature.

2) The katana was used exclusively on the battlefield

The katana was the weapon of choice for Japanese samurai warriors during the region’s feudal period. However, it was used for other purposes outside of the battlefield. Many martial arts practitioners used the katana in iajutsu, battojutsu, iado, and ninjutsu. The katana was even used in ceremonial rituals.

3) All traditional katanas have been put on an equal footing

The quality of a traditional Japanese katana varies depending on many factors. In the early days of sword making in Japan, low carbon steel was used to make the katana, resulting in lower quality. It took until the arrival of high carbon steel, known as tamahagane, for the katana to exhibit the superior quality for which it is now known.


4) Katanas are only made by swordsmen

Although the swordsman plays the most important role in the production of a traditional Japanese katana, other people are also involved in the process. After the swordsman has forged the blade, for example, the katana is passed on to another individual for polishing and sharpening. In feudal Japan, polishing and sharpening a katana often required three or four weeks of work.

5) Katanas can cut other swords

The katana is a strong and powerful sword, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it can cut through other swords. If another sword had a more powerful blade, attempting to cut it with a katana would likely damage the katana blade.

6) All katanas were the same length

Finally, it is a common myth that all traditional Japanese katanas were the same length. Like all traditional Japanese swords, swordsmen made the katana with blades of varying lengths, most of which ranged from 23 5⁄8 to 28 3⁄4 inches.

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